WOD – Thursday 22/02/18
A. 10mins to establish a one rep pull up.
B. 3 sets of 400m Row
3mins rest between sets
*Record all 3 sets.
A. 10mins to establish a one rep pull up.
B. 3 sets of 400m Row
3mins rest between sets
*Record all 3 sets.
A. E2MOM for 16min
Min 0-2 – Bench Press x6 (3010 tempo)
Min 2-4 – Bent Over BB Row x6 (3011 tempo)
B. In Pairs for Time: you go I go
10 rounds (5rounds each)
200m run
10 T2B
A. E2MOM for 12min
5x Squat Clean @ 75% 1RM
B. 7min Amrap
20 KB Swings 32/24
15 Box Overs 24/20
10 KB Goblet Squats 32/24
Opens Workout 16.5
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 95 lb.
Women use 65 lb.
Scaled (Scaled Men, Scaled Masters Men 40-44, Scaled Masters Men 45-49, Scaled Masters Men 50-54, Scaled Women, Scaled Masters Women 40-44, Scaled Masters Women 45-49, Scaled Masters Women 50-54)
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Men use 65 lb.
Women use 45 lb.
Masters (Masters Men 55-59, Masters […]
Opens 16.4/17.4
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts, 102/70
55 wall-balls 9/6
55-calorie row
55 handstand push-ups
Masters 55+
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 13 minutes of:
55 deadlifts 84/55
55 wall-balls 9/6
55-calorie row
55 push presses, 43/30
Bent Over Barbell Row
6 Sets of 6-8 Reps
*Aim for a 90 degree angle at the hip […]
A. Strict Chin Ups
2min between sets
*same as structure as last week but chin ups. See if you can increase the weight from last week.
For time:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
30 Burpees
20 C2B
Front squat 10-10-10-10-10 reps
Athletes at all skill levels can perform 10-rep lifts. Experienced athletes can go as heavy as possible, while newer athletes can use […]
In Pairs complete the following…
100 DUs
50 Russian KB Swings 32/24 kg
40 Sit Ups linked
30 Ring Dips
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
800 Meter Run (together)
10 Bar Muscle-Ups
30 Ring Dips
40 Sit Ups linked
50 Russian KB Swings
100 DUs
For time
20 clean and jerks 40/30
20 clean and jerks 60/40
20 clean and jerks 80/50
20 clean and jerks 100/60
*Scale weight appropriately. Lifts should finish at […]
A. 12 mins to build up to a heavy 3rep Power Snatch (up to 3 seconds max between each rep if needed)
B. 21-15-9 reps for time of:
Snatches 52.5/35
Box Jumps 24/20
10min Time Cap (no going over)
*This is meant to be a farley sort intense workout, so you should find a weight you can do at least […]
Back Squat
70-75% of 1RM
Rest 3mins between sets.
3 rounds
400 Meter Run
20 Toes to Bar
30 Walking Lunges DBs 22.5/15
Thruster Speed Work
3 sets of 25 reps for absolute speed
*Every set should be done as fast as possible
*All movement standards still need to be hit
*Weight can go up throughout the sets but should be between 25 and 35% of […]
In Pairs:
100 cal Row
80 STOH 50/35
60 Burpee Box Jumps
40 C2B
60 Burpee Box Jumps
100 cal Row
5 min max effort Rope Climbs
* Advanced athletes can do legless rope climbs
* This is a benchmark workout, go hard!!!!!!!
Accumulate 5 mins sat in an air squat bottom position.
* Aim for perfect position.
* Break the 5 minutes up accordingly.