WOD – Friday 09/03/18
A.E2MOM for 20min
0-2 Bench Press x5
2-4 Chin Up x5
B. 5 rounds of
200m run
20 DB Snatches
10 T2B
12min time cap
A.E2MOM for 20min
0-2 Bench Press x5
2-4 Chin Up x5
B. 5 rounds of
200m run
20 DB Snatches
10 T2B
12min time cap
A E3MOM for 12mins
Back squat x6
B. 4 sets of…
3mins work
500m Row
ME KB Swings 32/24
Rest 3 mins
7min AMRAP
10 STOH 50/35
20 Box Jump 24/20
10min rest
7min AmRap
15 Wall Balls 9/7
30 DU
10mins to establish a heavy 3rm OHS for today.
For time:
21 Squat Snatch 42.5/30
21 Pull Ups
15 Squat Snatch 50/35
15 C2B
9 Squat Snatch 60/40
9 Muscle Ups
15min cap
Opens 18.2 (Open to all members)
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 reps for time of:
Dumbbell squats
Bar-facing burpees
Men use 22.5/15 dumbbells
Women use 15/10 dumbbells
Workout 18.2a
1-rep-max clean
Time cap: 12 minutes to complete 18.2 and 18.2a
4 sets of working 4 mins on, rest 4mins of:
15 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
30 Kettlebell Swings 24/16
ME Strict Handstand Push-Ups or L-Seated Dumbbell Presses
Score = Number if HSPU’s or DB press
A. Every 3 Minuets for 15mins
Split Jerk x 3
B. In Pairs (You Go I Go)
8 rounds for time of:
Row 500m
A. 10mins to establish a 1RM Chin Up
*last week pull up.
B. 8min AMRAP
30 double-unders
20 push-ups
10 power cleans 60/40
Five 3-minute rounds of:
10 front squats 80/55 (from Floor)
10 box jumps 36/30
Row for max calories
Rest 3 minutes between rounds
On an 8-minute running clock, perform 1 minute each of:
20-inch box jumps
Down Ups
Wall Balls 9/7
Double Unders
Rest 8mins between sets & perform 2 sets.
*Record reps for each exercise.