WOD – Friday 15/08/18
A. E3MOM for 18min build to a heavy
1xHigh Hang Snatch, 1x Hang Snatch, 1xOHS
B. 3min on, 3min off x3
500m Row
ME OHS @ 60/40
A. E3MOM for 18min build to a heavy
1xHigh Hang Snatch, 1x Hang Snatch, 1xOHS
B. 3min on, 3min off x3
500m Row
ME OHS @ 60/40
A. E3MOM for 12min
6 Deadlift @ 75-80% of 1RM
B. 3 rounds for time:
Heavy C2B Helen
400m run
21 KB Swings 32/24
12 C2B
*all scalable
A. Every 2 mins for 12mins
8-12 seated Box Jumps 20-30”
A1. 4 sets of 60 seconds Plank Holds
Rest 60 seconds
Strength In Depth (SID) Qualifier 1
For Time…
30 STOH 35KG/25KG
15 BOBs
30 Front Squats 35KG/25KG
15 BOBs
30 Thrusters 35KG/25KG
15 BOBs
15min Time Cap
Wednesday – 13/06/18
Every 3 mins for 18mins
5x Strict Chin Ups (add weight if possible)
*if not Strict, find a band you can manage 5 unbroken.
Fixing the Elbow:
A. E3MOM for 12min
6 x Bench Press @ 75-80%
B. For time:
DB Snatch 22.5/15
Calorie Row
10min time cap
5 sets of
8-12 reps each side of DB Single Arms Rows – tempo 2111
(Find a weight you can keep good form with & tempo)
Rest 1min
8-12 reps Barbell Roll outs
Rest 90 seconds
E3MOM for 15min
2x Front Squats @ 87.5-90%
20 Minute AMRAP:
100 Double Unders
75 Wallballs @ 9/7kg
50 Down Ups
25 Toes to Bar
MONDAY – 11/06/18
Every 90 seconds, for as long as possible
Clean & Jerk x 1 rep
Start at approximately 50% of your 1RM and increase load by 2.5 – 5kg every set. (Note down your increment Jumps)
Continue building until […]
E3MOM for 15mins
Ring Dips x5 (weighted)
B 30-20-10 (All with a plate)
Plate push ups (hands on plate)
Plate Squats
Burpees onto a plate.
100m Plate run after each set
20min Time Cap.
A. E3MOM 4×8 Deadlift @65-75%
B. For Time:
Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
Dumbbell OH Lunges @22.5/15kg
Score = Time
For Time:
In Pairs
Row 5000m
50 Toes to Bar
40 STOH @70/50kg
40 Hang Power Clean @70/50kg
20 Alternating Pistols (1 rep = both legs)
20 Bar Muscle Ups
Score = Time
30min cap
1 person rows, 1 person starts on HSPU’S. Switch when needed until 5000m has been completed along with all other movements. If Row has been completed before other movements […]
7 Minute AMRAP
20 Wallballs @7/9kg
40 Double Unders
Score = Reps
Rest 7 minutes
7 Minute AMRAP
Run 1200m (3 laps round hanger)
In remaining time ME Box Jumps 30/24”
Score = Reps
Rest 7 minutes
7 Minute AMRAP
10 Wallballs @7/9kg
20 Double Unders
Score = Reps
A. E3MOM 5×3 Back Squat @85%
Over Bar Burpee
Score = Time
15min time cap