In Pairs for Time:

Row 10,000m

Every 1000m = Each Person completes 10 Down Ups + 10 American KB Swings @ 32/24kg

45min Time Cap

*The down ups and Kettlebell swings do not have to be synchronised. Once 1000m has been reached, partner A can carry on rowing, whilst partner B completes down ups and Kettlebell swings.  Partner B then gets on the rower and partner A completes down ups and Kettlebell swings.  Both partners complete 10 downs ups and 10 Kettlebell swings every 1000m.


A. 15min Muscle practice or transitions. Things to work on…

•false grip ring rows

•ring throughs (feet on floor)

•Kipping Ring Swings

•explosive hip through (lying on back, rings low)

•Jumping Ring Muscle Ups

•full (1-5 every 90 seconds)


Every 15mins 4 Ring Dips

*add weight if needed or find a band you can do 4 reps.