In Pairs complete the following…

100 DUs

50 Russian KB Swings 32/24 kg

40 Sit Ups linked

30 Ring Dips

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

800 Meter Run (together)

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

30 Ring Dips

40 Sit Ups linked

50 Russian KB Swings

100 DUs


For time

20 clean and jerks 40/30

20 clean and jerks 60/40

20 clean and jerks 80/50

20 clean and jerks 100/60

*Scale weight appropriately. Lifts should finish at about 80-90% of your 1 rep max.

*3 no rep rule applies, 3 misses in a row and you’re out.

*Technique before load, load before time.

*Check our this cool video of Dan Bailey doing “Grace”.

Mobility- Barbell front rack

A. 2-3 minutes tricep smash on racked barbell.

B. Accumulate 50 barbell back rack rotations.