Hope everyone has enjoyed their rest day and are getting ready to hit 15.2 again tomorrow. In the mean time we have some exciting changes to announce for SCUK.
Firstly, we will be saying farewell to coach Tom ‘BP’ Parker next month. BP will be moving to Reading as head coach at their new box. BP came through our doors in October 2012 and has gone from strength to strength ever since. It has been an absolute pleasure watching him grow as an athlete, coach and personal trainer and we wish him all the very best in his new venture.
It’s not a total good bye though, BP will be running our new barbell club every Thursday evening at 6pm and 7.30pm starting Thursday 9th April.
Also new to our timetable will be a pure strength class with strength and conditioning coach Nick Taylor. Nick has over 10 years experience in the industry specialising in strength training for sports teams and individuals. The new programme will be launched on Saturday 11th April at 1:00pm whilst in open gym. This will be available to those with unlimited membership and can be booked via teamup.
So lots of exciting developments both for our community and our individuals. BP will be saying his last farewell at our opens celebration on April 11th at outburst so make sure you keep the date free to join us in wishing him well.